Your Tour Guide

Hire Eve for a memorable experience touring anywhere in Israel.
She will personalize a tour for as many days and people as you need,
including transportation and a unique itinerary geared to your specifications and requirements. 
Write to her at [email protected]

Discover the
Land of Israel
With Eve

Whether you’re visiting Israel on your own, with your family or a group, take the opportunity to broaden your perspective, understanding and knowledge via a specialized tour with Eve Harow. Eve has the unique ability to fuse modern Israel with Jewish history and the Bible, creating a thought provoking, even life changing experience.

Eve speaking with students

Discover Israel

More Video Tours

Day Trips

Join Eve as she guides bus groups to sites you would likely not get to on your own in Judea, Samaria, the Jordan Valley and Western Negev.  The history, the complicated present situation, the creativity, the food, the wine and especially the people. Get out of your comfort zone and see the areas for yourselves with an educator par excellence, combining Tanach, realpolitik, archaeology and more.   Trips are under the aegis of One Israel Fund and her position as director of Tourism and Community Development.

Contact Eve to book your next tour

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